Integrated Solutions For Your Business

We are team of talented engineers making diverse systems work together

About Us

We think about ourselves as an integrator who is familiar with industrial machines. We do not mind if our hands gets dirty with machine grease. We are looking forward to see what we can do with an old machine, but also we are driven by the newest cutting-edge technology. We mix well-proven practices with innovation. We are planning the future and making a step-by-step implementation plan. We are looking for partners to embrace the Industry 4.0 journey together.

  • Digital maturity assessment
  • Digitalization consultancy
  • Creation of technical vision for your company
  • Co-creation of an implementation plan
  • Supervision of implementation and installation steps
  • Adjustment of the technical vision and implementation plan according to the ever-changing economic environment

The big things are happening near the machines. Start from here and build from the field level brick by brick. It doesn't matter what protocol you use. Or cable. Or no cable at all. All data should be gathered and stored in one place! With our independent platform solution, it's a piece of cake. We can't get anywhere with data if relevant and important information placed in context is not visible. We provide computer environment, but you can also access the most essential information on mobile or even on a smartTV. We unleash the power of mathematics on the collected data: data analysis with Artificial Intelligence! We detected anomalies, or if it just simply does not work the way it used to, we detect, if something has changed. Sleep well, we are watching 24/7. Let's go step by step, machine by machine, system by system. Subsystem integrations one after the other, under an independent, central monitoring system. We love the challenges of integration. We are not deterred by the smartening and integration of older machines. We do not tamper with well-functioning subsystems or we do not take over loved and proven functions. Everyone does their job; we collect data and support your decision-making. Smart measurement is only worth something if it turns into smart control: we take over and control the interventions that can be automated based on the data. The point is to be able to see what is happening with the integrated systems at every moment, and not to worry about what is happening at every moment.

Learn More

Industrial digitalization is here, you just need the right partners to harness it's potential

We are here to help you navigate in the constantly evolving world of Industry 4.0, help you choose the best technologies and practices and tailor the solutions to your exact needs!


Fields of digitalization, where we see exceptional added value

Through integration of different subsystems, efficiency and transparency can be increased, maintenance of existing systems can be more cost-efficient and even predictive to prevent unwanted events.

Agriculture 100%
Artificial Intelligence powered big data analysis 90%
Smart Building infrastructure 75%
Machine vision 55%


We offer different services to support your digitalization efforts. All these services are available as stand-alone offerings and as a complete package as well. We rely on the information you provide, we ask honest questions to understand the full picture and we provide tailor-made solutions to fit your unique needs and expectations.

Digital maturity assessment

How digital is your organization? What are the key processes? What is the average understanding of digitalization among your colleagues? What data is collected and how is it used?

Digitalization consultancy

Where are bottlenecks? Where is the most potential to grow? What are the cutting-edge trends in your field of expertise? Are there any best practices to introduce in your organization?


Does introducing a solution create an unexpected bottleneck in the organization? How do you merge soft-skills and company general knowledge with digital products? How do you apply innovative products to an already performing organization? How do you maintain your processes and create sustainable innovation?

Design and supervision of implementation and installation steps

How do you introduce new digital solutions to your organization? How do you insert digitalization into paper based processes? How do you educate your employees? How to make sure, tha transient phase will not affect your organization's output?

Get your appointment now to explore the potential in your organization!

Get in touch with us, if you feel, that digitalization is the way you want to walk.



  • All
  • Integrated Management Platform
  • Agriculture
  • Industrial
  • Sustainable
  • Összes
  • Integrált Menedzsment Platform
  • Mezőgazdaság
  • Ipar
  • Fenntarthatóság
Integrated Management Platform AI generated dashboard

Integrated Management Platform

Integrated Management Platform

Industrial 3


Integrated Management Platform AI generated dashboard

Integrated Management Platform

Integrated Management Platform

Agriculture 2


Agriculture 3


Agriculture 4


Industrial 3


Sustainable 1


Sustainable 2


Supply chain 2

Supply chain

supply chain user areas

Supply chain 1

Supply chain


Price indication is an important part in the planning phase. Knowing the budget is a crucial part of planning in order to meet the expectation. These package indication provide a guide of how we usually operate. Prices from this indication may differ based on the unique situation and needs.


Az ár indikáció a tervezési fázis fontos része. A költségek ismerete döntő része a tervezésnek az elvárásoknak való pontos megfelelés érdekében. A csomag indikációk útmutatást adnak arra vonatkozóan, hogyan működünk általában. A feltüntetett árak egyedi helyzettől és igényektől függően eltérőek lehetnek.

Free Plan


  • Online kick-off meeting
  • Problem matrix
  • Possible solution ideas
  • On-site technical assessment
  • Technical specification and quotation
Get Started



  • Online indító meeting
  • Problématérkép
  • Lehetséges megoldási javaslatok
  • Terepi technikai felmérés
  • Technikai finomspecifikáció és végárazott ajánlat

Co-Innovator Plan

from €699per month

  • Everything included in Vision Plan package
  • Creation of implementation plan
  • 7/24 technical support
  • Design and supervision of implementation and installation steps
  • Future-proof Development suggestions
  • Knowledge transfer
Get Started

Ko-Innovátor csomag


  • Minden, ami a Vízió csomag része
  • Implementációs terv kialakítása
  • 7/24 technikai támogatás
  • Tervezés, implementáció és beüzemelés felügyelete
  • Jövőálló fejlesztési javaslatok
  • Tudásátadás

Frequently Asked Questions

We work all around the globe, but we often face the same questions. We believe no questions should remain without answer, however there is a few, which we get especially often.

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések

Világszerte dolgozunk, de gyakran ugyanazokkal a kérdésekkel szembesülünk. Hiszünk abban, hogy egyetlen kérdés sem maradhat válasz nélkül, de van néhány, amelyet különösen gyakran kapunk.

  • I am not ready for Industry 4.0, my production relies on manual labor and administration.

    Let us know more about your processes! Industry 4.0 is not only about fancy software ecosystems and automated production systems! Simple and small development steps, introduction of carefully picked solutions can have a huge benefit and help you move step by step on the road of digitalization!

    Nem állok készen az Ipar 4.0-ra, a termelésem kézi munkaerőre és manuális adminisztrációra támaszkodik.

    Avass be minket a folyamataidba! Az Ipar 4.0 nem csak a divatos szoftver-ökoszisztémákról és az automatizált termelési rendszerekről szól! Az egyszerű és apró fejlesztési lépések, a gondosan kiválasztott megoldások bevezetése óriási előnyökkel járhat, és lépésről lépésre segíthet a digitalizáció útján!

  • Let us do the job for you! Introduce us the problems you face, the bottlenecks or the most cost consuming processes and we will get back to you with feasibility, technical vision and development plan!

    Hadd végezzük el helyetted a munkát! Mutasd be az általad tapasztalt problémákat, szűk keresztmetszeteket vagy a leginkább költségigényes folyamatokat, és mi kidolgozzuk a megoldások megvalósíthatóságát, műszaki jövőképét és fejlesztési tervét!

  • Let us work together with you! Create the technical vision for your production, and with that in focus even the smallest developments will eventually merge into a fully I4.0 ecosystem! Even piramyds are built brick by brick.

    Dolgozzunk együtt! Alkossuk meg gyártásod műszaki vízióját, és ennek fényében a legkisebb fejlesztések is egy teljes I4.0 ökoszisztémává olvadnak végül össze! Még a piramisokat is kockáról kockára építették.


We are a team. Also, we are individuals, who are eager to learn and endeavor. We listen, we seek cooperation and partnership. We are combining and experimenting with the tools around us, we believe world is a playground and technology is the tool to have fun!


Egy csapat vagyunk. Emellett egyéniségek vagyunk, akik szívesen tanulunk és kísérletezünk. Hallgatunk, együttműködésre és partnerségre törekszünk. Kombinálunk és kísérletezünk a körülöttünk lévő eszközökkel és technológiákkal. Hisszük, hogy a világ egy játszótér, a technológia pedig a szórakozás eszköze!


Feel free to get in touch with us! Hope to hear from you soon!


Fordulj hozzánk bizalommal! Reméljük hamarosan hallunk felőled!


Petzvál József utca 56.
1119 Budapest


Petzvál József utca 56.
1119 Budapest


(+36-1) 371 2700


(+36-1) 371 2700

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Az üzeneted küldésre került. Köszönjük, hamarosan jelenzkezünk!